

Success Escalation Program

Thank you for Choosing Platinum's Waitlist Success Escalation Program. You really have made a terrific choice! Obtaining financial assistance for yourself or a loved one's long-term care can be incredibly confusing and frustrating. Please don't let well-meaning family, friends, and even misinformed professionals discourage you from obtaining truly valuable assistance with Home Health Care, Assisted Living Care, or Nursing Home care. Help is available! Here at Platinum, we know how to help find and qualify those needing long term care for appropriate financial assistance. We believe this "first step" service offers three primary benefits when pursuing Medicaid benefits for Home Health Care or Assisted Living Care.

  • Convenience – instead of having to I)identify the appropriate ADRC (Aging Disability Resource Center) for the area, 2) call and sit on hold, 2)b)playing phone tag to submit the name of the potential benefit applicant (or completing and properly submitting a form), 3) follow up to make sure the screening call is actually scheduled 4) follow up to confirm your loved one's "list ranking", and 5) follow up to make sure the appropriate referral has been made to CARES (Comprehensive Assessment Review for Elderly Services) after the potential benefit applicant is selected from the Wait List - Platinum will do all of these items! Platinum does not however, conduct the assessment interview on the potential benefit applicant's behalf or the caregiver's behalf.
  • Education – Instead of “flying blind", we educate about how the system works via:
    • Video - Explains what to expect during the assessment interview, what questions will be asked and why, and how to honestly answer the questions while increasing the chances of a high "assessment score".
    • Coaching call - Explains how to answer questions that were not answered on the video, if any. If after studying the video, you have questions, please reach out to schedule a coaching call.
  • Options - Once selected from the Wait List, what the options for filing the assistance application and explanation of how to qualify financially for benefits are:
    • We will conduct a fact-finding process to help you determine
      • Can the potential applicant qualify financially for Home Health Care or Assisted Living benefits without income or asset restructuring?
      • Can the potential applicant qualify for any other governmental benefits?
      • If so, what are they?
      • If asset and/or income restructuring is possible to qualify your loved one for benefits, and if so, potentially appropriate possibilities for doing so
    • If assistance with the application process is needed because of excess assets, income, gifting, or other complications honest about what your options are and explain the pros and cons of each of the following:
      • Do it yourself
      • ADRC
      • Attorney
      • Platinum and Attorney

Please complete the following information. Platinum has developed this system to automate as much of the process as possible and requires only the minimum required information to be entered. While more information than is being completed on this site will be submitted, the requested information is what is needed from you for a successful submission to the proper ADRC ("list keeper”). A few items are optional and do not have a red asterisk. All items with a red asterisk must be completed to advance the process.

Once the basic information is completed, you will be taken to a payment page where you can pay. Once payment clears (virtually instantaneously), you will be emailed several items:

  • A receipt for your payment.
  • A copy of the Wait List referral form that was submitted to the appropriate ADRC automatically by fax and email.
  • A video of about 30 minutes explaining the detailed questions that will be asked by the ADRC during the assessment interview.
  • The name, number, and extension of your success coach at Platinum.

We want you to have the best experience possible and wish we could promise you a super smooth ride. This may happen, but it may not, We are not in control. Going forward we will be dealing with both, quasi-governmental, and governmental agencies. These agencies are anything but efficient! Platinum is here to help make the process much less bumpy. We will relentlessly advocate for you! You must decide now to persevere! Together we can get this done!

There are three things that can help you keep your sanity during this process:

  • Accept that the process is difficult and frustrating - even when we help
  • The rules (which we do not make) do not have to make any sense at all they are just the rules - fight them and lose or work with them and win
  • The person with the most paper wins - That will be us!